Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's time to speak up about BFGF

As the media station that houses Marian Rivera and Richard Gutierrez wants to portray, the film "My Best friend's Girlfriend", with sub-title "Love comes in unusual packages," the film is terribly good.

That no flaws in the storyline neither in the way the film was edited can be seen if you watch the movie. But I beg to disagree.

On the second day of its showing, my best friend, fiancé and I watched that much "glorified" movie. The story was great, but not that great as GMA-7 and Regal Films want to convey in their every-hour-plugging of the movie.

LET ME CLARIFY: I am no against the movie, in its wholeness, but by the way the movie was ended.

How does my fiancé called it? VERY FLAT.

Anyways. Halata mo naman kasing hindi na napag-isipan pa ang huli.

But I want to say kudos to Ms. Rivera and Mr. Gutierrez, for the job well-done. Wala kayong kinalaman sa aking mga pinagsasabi! Hi-hi-hi!

You had a very good chemistry on screen; keep up the good work, buds!!!

Congratulations to Regal and GMA Films. You raked millions. That's good. Even though your movie is somewhat, unpalatable.

Walang atrasan. Direct to the point lang!

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